Designo Designs and Digital Solutions

Multi-page website built for a designs company

Designo Designs and Digital Solutions

more about this project

The Designo project was such a thrill to work on. It required a lot of attention to detail and a lot of deep research. The goal was to build a 7-page site for a designs and digital solutions company which provides various form of designs to the the user. Right away, it highlights the most important things offered to the company's customers. It then focused on the different locations and minor things that might attract the user.

What I used to build it:

1. Reach JS

2. Styled-Components


Considering this was the first project I built with styled-components, there is a lot I had to figure out on the fly. Considering this was such a long project, it allowed me to practice different functionalities and different things I would not have had the chance to work on with a smaller project. One of my favorite things in this project was reusability. Having such a huge project to work on, I had to think about ways to make sure my components can be used in different parts of the project. I think a project like this is one of the most beneficial sort of project to build as a new person.

Final Thoughts

I really enjoyed working on this project. I learned a new technology, styled-components. It also allowed me to sit and plan a full scale project on my own.